A new ‘creative quarter’ could bring a "film hub" as well as hundreds of homes and thousands of jobs to an “unwelcoming” industrial area.

Camden Council says it has agreed a deal with London developer Yoo Capital to turn a “cut-off” site in Regis Road to the west of Kentish Town into a “beacon of creativity” that also provides hundreds of “desperately needed” affordable homes.

The council said the area has the potential to become a "new hub" for creative film in central London with facilities for live broadcasting, studio filming, postproduction and audience viewing.


It also claims the project will deliver “significantly more” new social rent and living rent homes, in an area where few currently exist.

Cllr Danny Beales, cabinet member for new homes, jobs and community investment, said: “We know there is huge creative potential in the people who live and work in Camden.

"We want to unlock the Kentish Town industrial area to transform this cut-off, unwelcoming site, into one that becomes a greener, welcoming space, connecting Gospel Oak with Kentish Town.

"A new thriving neighbourhood, which is a beacon for creativity, providing more desperately needed affordable homes for local people, good jobs and opportunities for existing communities."

A statement from the council claimed there would be “hundreds” of new homes and promised “genuinely affordable” housing as well as replacing homes in Holmes Road.

The land currently houses the Holmes Road Depot and the Regis Road Recycling Centre. The council says the agreement commits to continuing these services – which it suggests could be replaced – and stated the community would be consulted at every stage of the project.

It said public recycling and waste facilities would remain present and accessible throughout.

Cllr Beales added: “This is going to be a development shaped with local communities and Camden and Yoo Capital are looking forward to working with residents on realising the shared community vision and getting residents’ thoughts at every stage.

"We see this development as a way to help combat many of the issues residents are facing in Camden.”

Lloyd Lee, managing partner at Yoo Capital, said they were "looking forward" to working with the council and community to create a "Camden Film Quarter".

He added: "This project will be a shot in the arm for the UK’s creative industries as we look to fuel its exponential growth by attracting the best talent in TV and film to the area."

The zero emissions neighbourhood would also create new green and open spaces with better connections from Kentish Town to Gospel Oak.

The council said community engagement is beginning and will continue to submission of detailed proposals for planning in 2024-2025. Consultation will build on “identified community priorities” set as part of the Kentish Town Planning Framework.

The plot adjoins the south of the separate proposed Murphy's Yard redevelopment, which reaches from Gospel Oak to Kentish Town.