Every September at Sarum Hall School in Belsize Park, the pupils vote for the charity they will support throughout the academic year.

Every year Sarum Hall School votes for a charity to supportEvery year Sarum Hall School votes for a charity to support (Image: Sarum Hall School) Staff put forward their charity suggestions and after a special assembly, the children are asked to cast their vote.

This year, admissions manager Olivia Longhurst put forward Kulira.org, a charity that was founded by Jarah Koomson, her old friend from The Royal School, Hampstead.

School admissions manager Olivia Longhurst is an old friend of Kulira.org founder Jarah KoomsonSchool admissions manager Olivia Longhurst is an old friend of Kulira.org founder Jarah Koomson (Image: Sarum Hall School) Kulira was set up in 2018 and supports Ugandan children and their communities to progress and flourish.

Mrs Koomson says: “We believe children should have the opportunity to be children, to play, be creative and dream. Dreams fuel imagination, drive innovation and uncover true potential.

Kulira.org supports children form Uganda to be childrenKulira.org supports children form Uganda to be children (Image: Kulira.org) "I believe that when individuals realise their true potential, a whole nation can progress too. And that’s why I set up Kulira.org.”

Mrs Longhurst was very excited to hear that Kulira.org had been chosen. She said: “When I saw that Jarah had set up Kulira.org and the good work they do, I knew the children of Sarum Hall would be keen to back the charity.

Jarah Koomson (centre) founded Kulira.orgJarah Koomson (centre) founded Kulira.org (Image: Kulira.org) "It’s inspiring to see our children supporting other children so far away.”

The Sarum Hall girls are excited to get fundraising for the charity.

This year each house must organise its own fundraising day. There will also be second hand uniform sales, Christmas cinema and some of the children will do fundraising outside of school.

Sarum Hall School hope to raise £8,000 for their chosen charitySarum Hall School hope to raise £8,000 for their chosen charity (Image: Sarum Hall School) The school has set itself a target of £8,000, which it hopes to increase to £10,000 with GiftAid. Donations can be made at: justgiving.com/page/sarumhallgivestokulira