A man named his killer with his dying breath after he was stabbed just off Holloway Road, a court has been told.

Mohamed Abdi Noor, 21, suffered a single stab wound to the chest when he was attacked by 18-year-old Sanchez Tate, the Old Bailey heard yesterday (September 16).

The incident took place in Tufnell Park Road, close to the junction with Holloway Road, on the evening of December 11.

Jurors were told that both men lived in the road, and that Tate, 18, ran home after the attack. He was arrested soon afterwards.

Prosecutor Catherine Pattison said emergency services were called, and the victim was treated at the scene.

She said: “Before he lost consciousness, Mr Abdi Noor said ‘Sanchez’ and repeated it – meaning the name of the person who had stabbed him.”

The attack took place in Tufnell Park Road close to the junction with Holloway RoadThe attack took place in Tufnell Park Road close to the junction with Holloway Road (Image: George Hayes)

Married motorcycle enthusiast Mr Abdi Noor was taken to hospital, where he died early the next morning.

Ms Pattison said there was no issue that Tate killed Mr Abdi Noor with a long-bladed knife, or sword but the issue was likely to be whether he acted in self-defence.

She told jurors: “The level of violence was out of all proportion for what was needed to rob someone.

“It has the hallmarks of targeted, if spontaneous, violence against a known individual, whatever lay behind it.”

The court heard that Tate and Mr Abdi Noor knew each other because they lived in the same road, but they were not friends.

Mr Abdi Noor had a “passion for pedal cycles and motorbikes” and told his wife about an earlier incident allegedly involving Tate.

Ms Pattison said he had gone to check his motorbike in his estate parking lot and found it on the ground.

He asked some teenagers who had knocked it over and they pointed to Tate.

The prosecutor said: “Mr Abdi Noor told Mr Tate that he needed to pay for the damage – a scratch and some parts were damaged.

“Nothing else appeared to come of it. As it happened, Mr Abdi Noor took his motorbike to be repaired.

“The damage to the motorbike was still being repaired on the date Mr Abdi Noor died.”

Tate has denied murder and having a bladed article. The trial continues.

Reporting by PA.