It seems just about everyone has an opinion on just about everything. From global politics to local issues. From sartorial choices to the culinary and epicurean.

I’m aware I’m about to give you my opinion (the irony is not lost on me) but I’m just fulfilling the brief so here goes…

Enough already with information overload and opinionated rhetoric. I mean, come on, do we actually need to hear everyone spouting their every thought? Can’t we keep some things to ourselves?

All those who regularly post on X, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or the myriad of other social media platforms, are clearly incapable of harnessing their inner voice.

IMHO (an awful expression, a bit like with all due respect - no respect there I can tell you) the worst culprits of projectile opinionising are local community WhatsApp groups.

Shelley-Anne Salisbury doesn't want to hear everyone spouting their every thoughtShelley-Anne Salisbury doesn't want to hear everyone spouting their every thought (Image:

Every day I’m bombarded with endless diatribes which tell me nothing more than someone is having a bad day. So? Just deal with it. Or, if you really must, then offload to your friends, family and pets (if you’ve not alienated them all by now).

I lay the blame squarely on Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press, and Stanford and UCLA who managed to connect their computers for the first time in 1969 (being the precursor to the birth of the internet in 1983).

Of course, the sharing of information can be vital and there are some truly excellent views being espoused which can educate, change mindsets and make a difference to society for the good.

However, as we all know, unchecked opinions can be downright dangerous. If you have something to say then make sure you are certain of the facts.

And it's not just on social media, people are apt to give their opinions quite freely anywhere and everywhere, virtually or IRL.

One of the best pieces of advice my paternal grandmother gave me was if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all. I’d like to repurpose that: if you have nothing original, informative, insightful, helpful or truthful to say then (I absolutely beg you) please, double please and with all due respect, just don’t say it.

Thank you!

  • Shelley-Anne Salisbury is a mediator, writer and the co-editor of Suburb News,