Last summer, the halls of West Hampstead Primary School were alive with the sights, sounds and flavours of cultures from around the world, as the school hosted its annual 'International Evening'.

Organised by deputy headteacher Hannah Bones, the event - themed 'Together we celebrate' - aimed to showcase the rich diversity within the school community through music, dance and culinary delights.

Countries were represented through song and danceCountries were represented through song and dance (Image: WHPS)

Headteacher Sam Drake praised the evening, saying: "Our 'International Evening' is a wonderful opportunity for our students, families and staff to come together and celebrate what makes us unique, while also finding the common threads that unite us as a school community."

Amongst the many highlights were two standout songs, one in Hebrew and another in Arabic and French, both celebrating peace.

Pupils sang moving songsPupils sang moving songs (Image: WHPS)

"It was a powerful and poignant moment that reminded us of our shared hopes for harmony," commented Mr Drake.

In addition to the student performances, the school's staff took to the stage to perform a lively rendition of the classic song Where Did You Get That Hat?, a playful nod to the diverse cultural influences that make up the vibrant city of London.

Food from around the world was enjoyedFood from around the world was enjoyed (Image: WHPS)

Following the performances, families contributed homemade dishes, giving attendees the opportunity to sample flavours from around the world.

The joyful mingling of students, parents and staff, all united in their appreciation for the diversity within their school, was a testament to the evening's theme of togetherness.

Students celebrated their diversity togetherStudents celebrated their diversity together (Image: WHPS)

Ms Bones expressed her pride in the school's ability to embrace its diversity. She said: "At West Hampstead Primary, we believe that celebrating our differences is key to fostering a sense of unity and belonging."

West Hampstead Primary School celebrated the them of togethernessWest Hampstead Primary School celebrated the them of togetherness (Image: WHPS)