A 16-year-old boy was killed ‘in the blink of an eye’ in a fight that started when he accidentally knocked into another boy at New Year’s Eve celebrations, a court heard. 

“Lively and boisterous” Harry Pitman, from Tottenham, died minutes after he was stabbed as he waited to watch fireworks on Primrose Hill. 

A 17-year-old boy is on trial at the Old Bailey accused of Harry’s murder.

Opening the trial, Prosecutor Jocelyn Ledward KC said: “Every year, large numbers of members of the public gather on Primrose Hill to celebrate the turning of the New Year.   

“But last New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2023, revelry turned to tragedy in the blink of an eye: Harry Pitman, aged 16, was stabbed once to the neck. He died almost immediately, as a result of that single but deadly injury.” 

Harry, the defendant and their respective groups of friends were complete strangers until that night. 

Ms Ledward said the stabbing was set in motion by a physical confrontation between Harry and one of the defendant's friends at around 11.30pm. 

A witness said Harry was playing a game where he was trying to see how high he could kick when he became unbalanced and knocked into someone behind him. 

One of the defendant’s friends is said to have reacted angrily and pushed Harry. 

Two witnesses recall Harry saying “don’t touch me, because I didn’t touch you”. 

“What happened next took place very quickly, over a very short period of time. Less than a minute, and in fact more like 20 seconds,” Ms Ledward said.     

A fight broke out in which Harry knocked two of the defendant’s friends to the ground and “appeared to be winning”. 

But “shocking” mobile phone footage played in court showed the defendant swing a knife at Harry’s neck during the fight that followed. 

Harry was then seen running to nearby officers holding his neck and shouting “help”. He died minutes later, shortly before midnight. 

The jury were told the defendant accepts causing the fatal injury but denies murder. 

The trial continues.