Hundreds of people are expected to attend a meeting about plans for a new low-traffic zone in Dartmouth Park.

The Highgate Society has organised the event ahead of a consultation on the Dartmouth Park Healthy Neighbourhood, which is planned to begin later this year.

It is expected that all three Highgate ward councillors at Camden Council will be present at the meeting.

More than 200 people have reportedly indicated that they will attend the event, which is scheduled to start at 7pm tomorrow (September 3) at La Sainte Union School in Highgate Road.

It comes after concerns were raised that the new zone would serve to funnel traffic and pollution onto other side roads.

The scheme, proposed by Camden Council and Islington Council, would see some roads in the area closed to through traffic and others becoming one way.

A “co-design phase”, which allowed people to comment on initial plans for the scheme over a six week period earlier this summer, has now ended.

Some criticised the engagement exercise for failing to adequately explain the scheme’s purpose or objectives, and asked for it to be extended.

A Camden Council spokesperson previously said that a full consultation is still planned for later this year.

They added: "Camden has been listening to local residents, groups and businesses since 2018 to develop this project to improve road safety and make it easier to walk, cycle, and take the bus.”