The Highgate Society, along with other local organisations, is fortunate to participate in a unique local breakfast network - a model of collaboration and partnership that could be used effectively in other areas.

These quarterly breakfast meetings are a highlight for us, bringing together stakeholders from Highgate, Archway, and Dartmouth Park. The shared purpose is simple yet powerful - fostering collaboration and connection among the many community organisations and venues in our area.

The idea took root in 2017, when Katherine from Lauderdale House met informally with counterparts from Highgate Newtown Community Centre, Better Archway/Hargrave Hall and Holly Lodge Community Centre.

The conversation, sparked by Lauderdale House's refurbishment needs, proved so engaging and useful that they decided to meet regularly and invite others to join.

Highgate Society's Madeleine Cosgrove sees the benefits of the breakfast networkHighgate Society's Madeleine Cosgrove sees the benefits of the breakfast network (Image: Highgate Society)

Today, Katherine chairs the group and we rotate hosting duties in venues like the Highgate Society, Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution (HLSI) and Holly Lodge Community Centre.

These breakfasts offer a fantastic opportunity for diverse groups to connect and create synergies. Successes include partnerships like the Fair in the Square team collaborating with local schools including Highgate School, Channing School and St Aloysius College. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many already committed to next year's event.

Other examples include recruiting volunteers for Highgate Library in Camden, forming a partnership between St Aloysius College and the Food Bank Aid charity and backing the Positive Futures work of Highgate Newtown Community Partners which provides advice for families struggling with debt and benefits challenges. Highgate Society has just been able to donate a piano to William Ellis School for their music teaching programme.

Each organisation updates the group on key developments, plans and challenges, asking for or offering help.

Breakfast meetings are chaired by Katherine Ives from Lauderdale HouseBreakfast meetings are chaired by Katherine Ives from Lauderdale House (Image: Highgate Society)

The informal, in-person nature of these meetings fosters familiarity and swift action. Even during the pandemic, when we switched to monthly Zoom meetings and help was badly needed, the spirit of collaboration remained strong.

Being in the same room though makes a difference - conversations often continue long after the meeting ends, leading to great new ideas. With 20 to 25 attendees, we cover a lot of ground and drink a lot of coffee. Who would have thought a shared breakfast could be so effective?

Space is limited but if you think your organisation could benefit from taking part, please reach out to Katherine at Lauderdale House.

  • Madeleine Cosgrave is from the Highgate Society and Katherine Ives from Lauderdale House.