Hundreds of council homes are being ‘retrofitted’ to make them warmer and cheaper to run and to stop risk of mould.

A housing energy ‘action plan’ for 200 Haringey Council properties in the ‘Coldfall’ neighbourhood of Muswell Hill involves external wall and loft installations, double-glazing and better-fitting doors to retain heat and reduce the energy households consume.

“We know that homes at Coldfall are among our least energy efficient,” the council’s housing cabinet member for housing Sarah Williams admitted. “This scheme has the potential to reduce their bills and make homes more comfortable.”

The scheme can also make council homes less prone to damp and mould, the town hall believes.

A survey is under way for households to pick the colours for their external insulation panels to give homes a fresh look as well as making them cosier. Consultations end September 25.

The scheme is being paid for by the government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation fund as part of a programme for 15,000 council homes to help make Haringey a ‘net zero carbon’ borough by 2041.