Patients can now book cancer appointments at their GP through an AI receptionist using WhatsApp.

NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board and the Islington GP Federation have rolled out the new bookings scheme to increase the uptake of cervical cancer screening.

The technology, developed by provider SPRYT and the University of Surrey, involves using an AI receptionist called Asa.

Patients can book, reschedule and cancel appointments via WhatsApp at any time.

Asa provides reassurance and answers patients’ questions relating to their appointment or general questions, but does not offer medical advice.

The AI receptionist can also send voice messages in patients’ recorded language to improve uptake in patients where English may not be their first language. 

The scheme started in Islington, but it is hoped it can soon be rolled out across the whole of the care board, which also covers Barnet, Camden, Enfield and Haringey.

Those who have already used the technology claim it is “easy and fast”.

One patient from Clerkenwell, who did not want to be named, said: “The whole booking experience was so impressive.

“The whole thing was so well designed – how it shifted from a text message from my local surgery to my WhatsApp, and then back to a request from my local surgery for some updated records. Huge thumbs up!”

The scheme was started due to low uptake of cervical screening in some population groups in London, with a less than 10% response rate in some communities.

Dr Bengi Beyzade, a GP partner at Clerkenwell Medical Practice, said: “We hope this exciting pilot will improve access to cervical smear appointments.

“Asa answers patients’ queries about their appointments and supports them attending.

“It also reduces demand on our phone lines and improves patients’ experience of booking tests, allowing them to manage or change their bookings easily.

“The system is overseen by our lead nurse and admin team who monitor activity and can step in at any time.”

The technology has now been shortlisted for the Health Service Journal awards, having been selected from over 1,350 submissions.

The winners will be announced at an award ceremony on November 21.