Six candidates have thrown their names in the ring to win a vacant council seat in Camden.

Lloyd Hatton resigned his Kilburn seat after winning the South Dorset parliamentary seat in the general election.

Mr Hatton, a former youth parliament member who grew up and was educated in Weymouth, was elected to Camden Council in May 2022 and became the ruling Labour group's chief whip.

He was elected MP for South Dorset on July 4, beating the Conservative Richard Drax, who had held the seat for 14 years.

A by-election date has now been set for September 5.

The successful candidate will join Labour's Eddie Hanson and Nanouche Umeadi as a ward councillor.

The candidates, in alphabetical order, are: 

David Elkan - Liberal Democrats. 

Michael Gomes Viera - the Green Party. 

Peter Hornsby - Conservatives. 

Robert George Thompson - Labour. 

Anyone wanting to vote in the by-election but who is not registered should do so by August 19.

The deadline for postal vote applications is 5pm on August 20.

The deadline for proxy vote applications - where a voter nominates somebody to vote on their behalf - is 5pm on August 28. 

For those without photo identification, the deadline for Voter Authority Certificates is at 5pm on  August 28.

All candidates can send a picture and short biography outlining their three top priorities for the ward to by August 27 to be included in the Ham&High newspaper edition.