There’s definitely something about August in London. There’s almost a celebratory feel in the air.

Even if you’re not going away, it feels a bit like a holiday. The lull is palpable as the pace slows and the usual structure to the days loosens.

Getting around is so much easier. There’s less traffic on the roads, less crowding on platforms, and more car parking spaces.

Restaurants and theatres have booking availability and there are often good deals to be had. Some fairly basic Google searching and you can find great things to do in and around London, much of it for free.

Shelley-Anne Salisbury says London feels a bit like a holiday in AugustShelley-Anne Salisbury says London feels a bit like a holiday in August (Image:

Even work seems less manic and, in my experience, people have more time to engage in conversation without a constant eye on the clock as the next back-to-back meeting beckons.

Deadlines are also generally less stringent (although I didn’t test this with the Ham&High - I emailed this column on the due date!).

With the foot slightly off the pedal, August is a time to breathe and maybe get some of those admin tasks finally done, although as I look at my very long August to-do list I’m thinking perhaps I should have just gone on holiday.

Well, at least I can tick off writing this column.

Of course, nice weather helps. I recall an August when it literally rained non-stop for the whole month. It was truly miserable and my usual preference of taking a holiday in July and spending August in London became deeply questionable. I vowed never to do it again.

The following year we went away in August, along with the throngs of other holidaymakers. It was unpleasant. Everywhere was crowded, prices were hiked and the weather turned out to be very disappointing, whilst London experienced blue sunny skies. Naturally.

This year we decided to try a hybrid version. We took a week’s holiday at the end of July and have booked another week right at the end of August, just before school returns.

Our youngest daughter is very excited to be going as some friends will be there at the same time - most of her friends are away during August. Me? Well, if truth be told, I’d be quite happy to stay in London and make the most of it before the inevitable climb back onto the treadmill as normal pace resumes.

  • Shelley-Anne Salisbury is a mediator, writer and the co-editor of Suburb News,