A residents' group says it has been ignored over "absurd and dangerous" traffic plans that will worsen pollution and traffic.

Camden Council is working with Islington Council on proposals to create a 'healthy neighbourhood' in Dartmouth Park, closing some roads to through traffic and making some streets one way.

Speed limits would be reduced in some streets, and pavements, cycle lanes and bus priority lanes improved.

The aim is to make it easier and safer for people to walk, cycle and take the bus, but opponents warn closing some roads will push traffic on to others, leading to more congestion and pollution.

They also fear Swain's Lane will become pedestrianised after this happened in part of Camden High Street.

The community was invited to take part in a 'co-design', but objectors have launched a petition, saying ending this on August 18 is in the middle of the summer holidays and not appropriate as many people will be away.

Highgate West Hill Residents Association says it has been emailing Camden Council since January 2023 with concerns over the volume and speed of traffic, pollution, and the number of heavy goods vehicles.

Heavy Goods Vehicles on Highgate West Hill which locals say the Dartmouth Park Healthy Neighbourhood plan with make worseHeavy goods vehicles on Highgate West Hill. Opponents say the Dartmouth Park Healthy Neighbourhood plan will lead to more (Image: HMHRA)

Group secretary Simon Leslie said: "We've been working pretty tirelessly to engage with the council to no avail. They are not listening to any of our concerns in any way meaningfully."

He said if Swain’s Lane and Dartmouth Park Hill are closed to through traffic, vehicles will instead drive down boundary roads such as Junction Road, Highgate Hill and Highgate West Hill. 

He added: "It's an absolute disaster and absurd they are thinking of closing the north end of Swain's Lane. It's a very dangerous proposal that should be stopped or at least adjusted in a meaningful way."

The volume of traffic raises pollution fears and the speed of some vehicles safety fears in Highgate West HillThe volume of traffic raises pollution fears and the speed of some vehicles safety fears in Highgate West Hill (Image: HMHRA)

Neighbour David Zeffman said the scheme was really a Low Traffic Neighbourhood described as a "benign sounding" healthy neighbourhood proposal.

A Camden Council spokesman said the proposals "do not suggest pedestrianisation of Swain's Lane, but a removal of through traffic along that road".

They said the council had held meetings with residents in Highgate West Hill, Chetwynd Road, the Holly Lodge Estate, and with the Highgate West Hill Resident Association, the Highgate Society, and Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum and that people could find out more at https://dartmouthpark.commonplace.is. until August 18.

They added: "We are now undertaking a second engagement exercise on a range of measures following a ‘discovery’ phase of engagement which took place in 2023.

“A consultation on final proposals will follow later in the year, informed by what residents suggest."