A boat urging voters to “vote Reform” in Sir Keir Starmer’s street has sparked anger.

Restaurant critic Giles Coren posted a picture of the boat to X this morning (July 3), claiming it had been parked near Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s Kentish Town home.

The boat appeared to have been covered in a range of election slogans, including: “No ULEZ, no LTNs, no pay per mile, no Tories, no Labour.”

The words “the tide is turning, vote Reform” can be seen twice on the boat’s rudder and stern.

Graffiti also appears to have been written on the boat, including the words: “Fascist scum”.

In his post, Coren criticised the positioning of the boat in Sir Keir Starmer’s road, blaming Reform UK for the protest.

He said: “Look what the absolute scum of @reformparty_uk have done in Keir Starmer’s road.

“A UK political party with electoral ambitions, planting a protest outside the family home of a private individual.

“Saying to his teenage kids ‘we know where you live’. @Nigel_Farage must answer.”

The protest comes less than 24 hours before voters across the country are set to head to the polls.

Last month, three pro-Palestine protestors avoided jail over a protest they staged outside the Labour leader’s home earlier this year.  

Reform UK has been approached for comment.