A veterinary surgery that aims to make treatment calmer for pets, their owners and staff has opened.

Vet tech startup Creature Comforts has opened the doors of its St John’s Wood practice, following a successful first launch in Notting Hill.

The clinic spans two floors, unusually large for a London practice, and has been designed to keep pets calm and staff team mentally well at work.

Unlike a normal vets, there is no reception desk or ringing telephones, with customers booking appointments and submitting queries via an app.

Pets and owners are welcomed into a members’ area on arrival, with separate spaces for cats and dogs.

Creature Comforts has a subscription-based business model which allows them to do away with noisy reception desksCreature Comforts has a subscription-based business model which allows them to do away with noisy reception desks (Image: Creature Comforts)

The clinic's walls are lilac to keep animals calm, while a pick and mix wall is filled with toys and treats.

Dr Simon Hayes, chief veterinary officer of Creature Comforts, said: "People have told us their pets, who trembled and cried at their previous vet, are now pulling to come inside because they know they’re going to get a treat and lots of attention.

"We’re still doing all the things vets do, in terms of offering excellent care, expertise and advice, but the entire experience around it has been totally transformed."