A school rated 'requires improvement' since 2019 is confident it will be rated “at least good” at its next inspection.

St Augustine's C of E Primary School, in Kilburn Park Road, was rated 'requires improvement' – education watchdog Ofsted’s second-lowest score - after inspections in March 2019 and January 2023.

Because of its continued low rating, Ofsted held a monitoring inspection on April 24 to report on the school’s progress.

Despite inspectors’ judgement that more work is necessary, St Augustine’s headteacher said the school is “confident” it is taking effective action to be judged “at least good”.

In the graded inspection in 2023, the school was rated 'good' for pupils’ behaviour and attitudes, personal development and its early years provision, but ‘requires improvement’ for its quality of education and leadership and management.

Ruth Vince, head of St Augustine's says the primary school is taking effective action to be judged “at least good” at its next graded inspection.Ruth Vince, head of St Augustine's says the primary school is taking effective action to be judged “at least good” at its next graded inspection. (Image: St Augustine's CE Primary School)

In a letter to the headteacher after the latest visit, inspector Russell Bennett said the school has made “substantial changes” and acted swiftly to redesign several subjects.

With the curriculum a focus, inspectors felt knowledge is now set out more clearly and sequenced effectively so pupils can build on what they have learned, with teachers ensuring they have the chance to recall and practise.

They said governors hold leaders to account, and that the school has identified that more precise information about pupils’ achievement in relation to the curriculum would be helpful to measure the impact of its changes.

Inspectors praised teachers’ “high expectations” and said pupils have “very positive” attitudes to their learning.

Pupils have 'very positive attitudes to their learning' at St Augustine's CE Primary School, says OfstedPupils have 'very positive attitudes to their learning' at St Augustine's CE Primary School, says Ofsted (Image: St Augustine's CE Primary School)

The letter added: “Staff have been very much a part of the improvement process. They feel valued and appreciate the school’s focus on their well-being.”

Nonetheless, Mr Bennett said the school should take further action to strengthen assessment practices so leaders can gauge the impact of the new curriculum.

He wrote: "Leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to become good.”

St Augustine's CE Primary School in Kilburn has twice been rated 'requires improvement' and is improving says OfstedSt Augustine's CE Primary School in Kilburn has twice been rated 'requires improvement' and is improving says Ofsted (Image: Google)

Headteacher Ruth Vince said "The report clearly highlights that a great deal of progress has been made in developing our curriculum and recognises the many strengths that the school continues to demonstrate.

"We are confident that we are taking effective action in order to be judged at least good when Ofsted visit for the next, graded inspection.

"The school remains a popular choice for our local community and we continue to be grateful for the positive support that we receive from our parents and carers."