Voters in a London parliamentary seat tipped to change hands to Labour at the next General Election are split on whether the party is a more attractive prospect under Sir Keir Starmer.

The Cities of London and Westminster is predicted to be won by Labour in July, according to predictions by UK Polling Report.

It is currently held by retiring Conservative MP Nickie Aiken, who was elected with a majority of just under 4,000 votes in 2019.

The seat, which covers most of the City of Westminster and the City of London, will now include the wards of Abbey Road and Regent’s Park, which belong to the soon-to-be abolished Labour-held seat of Westminster North.

The Local Democracy Reporting Service spoke to voters to see who they are likely to support on July 4 and the key issues for them.

'Labour no longer represents the working class'

Abdullah Kahlaf, 47Abdullah Kahlaf, 47 (Image: LDRS)

Abdullah Kahlaf, 47, moved to Westminster City in the early 2000s and works at an estate agency in Edgware Road. Abdullah said he usually votes Labour but may swing to the Greens. He’s worried about the NHS and said he and his daughter recently spent more than five hours in hospital waiting to be seen.

He feels Labour no longer represents the working class and wants to raise taxes.

'Party is revived under Keir Starmer'

Ebelyn, 95, has lived in the Abbey Road ward for 20 years. The retired doctor said she’s aware of the boundary changes and said it won’t stop her voting Labour.

Ebelyn said she usually votes for Labour but supported the Greens in 2019. She said: “Labour at the time weren’t very good and the Conservatives were awful.”

She said the party has revived itself under Keir Starmer’s leadership.

'I am sick of what this country is becoming'

Diya Mirpuri, 50Diya Mirpuri, 50 (Image: LDRS)

Diya Mirpuri, 50, can’t vote but said she would back Labour if she could. The stay-at-home mum, originally from Spain, has lived in the UK for 35 years. She felt Labour’s pledge to bust people-smuggling gangs in Calais is the best way to deal with illegal immigration into the UK.

Diya said she and her husband are ‘fed up’ with the UK and are contemplating moving to Spain. Diya said she is completely opposed to the Government’s policy of processing migrants in Rwanda. She said: “It’s inhumane. I’m sick of the Conservatives and I am sick of what this country is becoming. I am so unhappy I want to move back to Spain.”

'Labour looks after the small man'

Tarig Mohamed, 58Tarig Mohamed, 58 (Image: LDRS)

In Pimlico, the constituency’s south, voters said they are either not voting or feel there is little difference between the major parties.

Tarig Mohamed, 58, said he’ll vote Labour, as he always has.

He feels Labour looks after "the disabled man, the small man". Mr Mohamed moved to the UK from Sudan in 1991 and has volunteered helping migrants settle into their new homes.

He is also against the Government’s Rwanda policy and wants more funding for services like the Citizens Advice Bureau.

'Nothing is going to change'

Charlie has lived in Pimlico for 20 years. The 42-year-old immigration officer said he doesn’t see the point of voting. He said: “I don’t believe in it. You’re squabbling over little things. Nothing is going to change.”

He hasn’t voted in a single General Election but that does not mean Charlie hasn’t got opinions. He said the NHS should prioritise hiring British nurses and feels wage rises will only lead to inflation.

He said Brexit was a "waste", adding: “Other than the traffic at Dover, what has it brought?” He also said the immigration system is not fit-for-purpose.

Charlie said: “Migrants just come for a better life. Many have simply overstayed their visas and got caught because they were at a protest.

“All the idiots get caught out but all the criminally-minded don’t. The system is set up to catch the weak, not the criminal.”

Charlie said voting for Reform UK is tempting but doesn’t believe its leader, Nigel Farage, has what it takes to manage the country.

He said: “Nothing I have seen shows he can handle it. He stirs the pot and stands back and lets others figure it out. He’s a commentator.”

'Leaders should push for Gaza ceasefire'

Wiktor, 30, has lived in the Barbican Estate – the constituency’s eastern point – for two years and said he wants leaders to push for a ceasefire in Gaza. This will be the Polish-born resident’s first time voting in a General Election and he’s considering supporting the Liberal Democrats.

He said: “This is the worst Labour the party has ever had. They’re not as decisive as they have been in the past.”

'Nobody is talking about cost of Brexit'

Greg McLean, 48, says nobody is talking about the cost of BrexitGreg McLean, 48, says nobody is talking about the cost of Brexit (Image: LDRS)

Greg McLean, 48, has voted for the Lib Dems since Gordon Brown left office in 2010.

Greg, who also lives on the Central London estate, feels neither party is talking about the economic impact of Brexit. He is worried about the environment and feels political parties have watered down their green policy pledges.

He said: “We used to be leading Paris and Copenhagen [on green policies] but now we’re not.”

He urges whoever wins on July 4 to keep ULEZ in place and improve childcare for working parents. He said local politicians should focus on making the Barbican Estate more walker-friendly.