A 100-year-old former RAF pilot was reunited with the bomber he flew during the Second World War.

Stuart Black had always wanted to see the Lancaster bomber again so staff at Magnolia Court Care Home, where he lives in Golders Green, made his wish come true with a trip to Hendon’s RAF Museum London for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

He made the visit with his wife Crystal and staff from Magnolia Court.

Tammy Comey, lifestyle coordinator at the care home, realised Stuart’s wish listening to his reminiscences about his RAF days.

“He was overwhelmed to see the Lancaster,” Tammy said. “It brought back so many memories for him.

“Stuart didn’t know it was possible to see the Lancaster again and was so grateful.”

Stuart was a wartime RAF pilot who reached the rank of sergeant when he was demobbed in 1947.