Campaigners fear that Network Rail plans to "decimate" a wildlife corridor as it plans to cut back trees and vegetation along 4km of tracks.

The firm, which manages railway lines in the UK, plans to cut vegetation from Finsbury Park to Alexandra Palace from June until March next year.

In a letter to households affected Network Rail said all vegetation, including trees, will be removed that are within 6.5 metres of the tracks.

However it has since said the work it intends to carry out is "smaller than the letter implies" and will be holding an information evening on June 6 from 5pm to 7pm at the Haringey YMCA Club, in Tottenham Lane.

Ham & High: Haringey Tree Protectors have called on the plan to be delayedHaringey Tree Protectors have called on the plan to be delayed (Image: Louise Wass)

Campaign group Haringey Tree Protectors (HTP) have fierce objections to the plans and have asked for a "pause" and delay until the nesting season is over.

It claims the rail giant's ecology report is "inadequate".

Co-chair of HTP, Giovanna Iozzi, said: "We are not convinced that Network Rail have carried out a thorough, detailed risk and ecological assessment for this land.

"This corridor is being used by a lot of birds, owls and other wildlife and no proper survey has been carried out.

"We're worried they are basically going to decimate it."

Network Rail states that its key goal is to have no net loss in biodiversity by 2024, moving to biodiversity net gain by 2035.

Ham & High: Wildlife corridor trackside near Finsbury Park - seen today - gone tomorrow?Wildlife corridor trackside near Finsbury Park - seen today - gone tomorrow? (Image: Louise Wass)

Jane Leggett, HTP member added: "Every tree, shrub and plant that grows, particularly in cities, helps prevent flooding, absorbs carbon and keeps us cool. This is accepted science.

"So why is Network Rail carrying out a whole scale destruction of habitat and biodiversity during the nesting and growing season between Finsbury Park and Alexandra Palace? 

"People will not stand for such wholescale devastation and Network Rail should realise this."

A Network Rail spokesperson said: “We’re sorry to local people who’ve been alarmed by our recent letter to let them know about our upcoming work to remove some overgrown trees, bushes and plants beside the East Coast Main Line through north London. 

“We did not make clear the scale of work we intend to carry out, which is smaller than the letter implies.

"We regret it’s led people to think we will be totally clearing all vegetation between Finsbury Park and Alexandra Palace. This is simply not the case with work being done sensitively, one site at a time, over many months.

“We will be holding a public information event on June 6 which we invite local people to attend so we can explain in person what we intend to do, why we’re required by law to do it and how we will mitigate the impact for local wildlife.”