An award-winning north London estate agent is celebrating 60 years of helping people find their ideal home.

Martyn Gerrard estate agents marked the milestone on May 24, having been selling property in north and north west London since 1964.

The founder, Mr Martyn Gerrard, originally set up shop in High Road, Whetstone, in Barnet.

Over the decades, the business has blossomed, now boasting 14 offices across the capital.

Ham & High: Martyn Gerrard's first office in BarnetMartyn Gerrard's first office in Barnet (Image: Martyn Gerrard)

The expansion included the recent opening of a new office in Hampstead and the acquisition of Range Homes.

To commemorate the anniversary, Martyn Gerrard is introducing an equity share option for longstanding employees.

This innovative scheme provides the opportunity for senior staff members to become shareholders in the business.

Ham & High: The Crouch End office which opened in 1980The Crouch End office which opened in 1980 (Image: Martyn Gerrard)

Simon Gerrard, managing director, said: "We are incredibly proud to continue standing by the values and principles that my father founded this agency on 60 years ago.

"We have always believed that it is people who make a business, which is why I am so proud to have had David Smith, Warren Price and Greg Tsuman as my fellow directors for 44 years, 33 years, and 22 years respectively.

"We strongly believe in recognising, encouraging, and rewarding our team’s hard efforts to provide best in class services to clients.

Ham & High: The opening of the new office in HampsteadThe opening of the new office in Hampstead (Image: Martyn Gerrard)

"We are delighted to be launching the new shareholder scheme for our senior staff."

He added: "We look forward to seeing Martyn Gerrard continue to succeed and grow."

At the end of 2023, the company won London Estate Agent of the Year at The Negotiator Awards.

Ham & High: The estate agent as won several awards over the yearsThe estate agent as won several awards over the years (Image: Martyn Gerrard)

It also received a bronze award in the Medium Estate Agency of the Year category, along with high commendation in the Community Champion of the Year category.

Martyn Gerrard has witnessed decades of change since it was established in the 1960s.

The first properties the estate agent marketed were an "ultra-modern" apartment in Barnet for £3,250 and a three bedroom house in Whetstone for £4,650.

Martyn Gerrard has since opened 13 more offices and seen the average London property price increase by more than 12,500 per cent.