A law to extend London Zoo's leasehold for up to 150 years has been brought "back from the brink" - passing through Parliament on its last day before the General Election.

The Zoological Society of London (Leases) Bill will increase the maximum term of the organisation's lease on the land from 60 years to up to 150 years.

It was agreed by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords on the final day of this Parliament and is ready for royal assent - the final stage before it becomes law.

During the debates, MPs were told that the leasehold extension would enable London Zoo to plan for future investment and site improvements.

Ham & High: Archivist Natasha Wakely examines Henry Perry’s 1927 map of London ZooArchivist Natasha Wakely examines Henry Perry’s 1927 map of London Zoo (Image: Jas Lehal/PA)

The zoo, located in Regent's Park, is built on Crown Estate land.

On the bill's passing, Conservative peer Lord Randall of Uxbridge said: "In the way that the Zoological Society of London has brought back species that were threatened with extinction, I thank everybody for bringing this Bill back from the brink."

As the zoo approaches its bicentenary anniversary in 2026, the bill's aim is to secure London Zoo’s future within the Regents Park.

This will be achieved through extending the Zoological Society of London’s lease on the land, up to a potential 150 years.