I’m excited to be joining such a dynamic cabinet team at Haringey Council as the portfolio holder for communities.

My predecessor, Cllr Adam Jogee, has done a fantastic job in the role and I’m looking forward to building upon all his great work.

This administration and the cabinet team are an ambitious group and they want to bring about positive change and improvements for our residents and businesses. I’m keen to play my part in this process.

Representation resonates with me personally, especially in a borough as diverse and multi-cultural as ours.

I hope the fact that an Australian national with Kurdish heritage like me can attain a senior leadership position at the council encourages and inspires others to achieve similar success in their walks of life going forward.

Ham & High: Cllr Ajda Ovat is the new cabinet member for Communities at Haringey CouncilCllr Ajda Ovat is the new cabinet member for Communities at Haringey Council (Image: Haringey Council)

As a mother with a young child and a ward councillor for Northumberland Park too, having responsibility for communities is important to me on many different levels.

Northumberland Park is one of the most disadvantaged wards in the country and I’ve seen first-hand how anti-social behaviour and crime can have a damaging and detrimental effect on Haringey’s businesses, communities and residents.

I’m determined to do all I can to help ensure that people in neighbourhoods across Haringey, continue to have confidence in their safety and the collective cohesion within their local community.

We want to build a fairer, greener and safer borough and – working with council colleagues and our external partners and stakeholders – it’s important we implement measures to help Haringey residents today and future generations.

I’ve only been in post for less than a week and there’s been plenty to get stuck into straightaway!

Yesterday (Wednesday, May 22), I attended the official launch of our brand new Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Capacity-Building Partner at Mind in Haringey’s HQ in Finsbury Park.

I’ve also been out and about to see the multi-agency approach we adopt for our regular Weeks of Action, which is taking place in Highgate ward this week.

I’d like to encourage our residents to give us their views on our proposal to implement a borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). Please complete the survey on our website (haringey.gov.uk/community-safety-antisocial-behaviour/antisocial-behaviour/proposed-borough-wide-public-spaces-protection-order-consultation) before it closes on Monday, June 17,  2024.

These are very exciting times for Haringey residents like me and I cannot wait to play an active role in making this an even better borough to live in.

  • Cllr Ajda Ovat is the new cabinet member for Communities at Haringey Council.