Haringey Council has come under fire for not intervening in a Highgate development.

Haringey's planning lead, Cllr Dana Carlin, previously told the Ham&High that the council "cannot withdraw planning permission once this has been approved" over a petition launched by the Highgate Society to force the developer to redesign Townsend Yard.

Sean Meadows of Townsend Yard Ltd plans to build seven mews houses in the plot of land, off Highgate High Street, which has raised fire safety concerns for Shepherd's Cottage next door.

William Britain, chair of the Highgate Society said the councillor was "incorrect".

"Haringey has complete power to revoke or modify planning permission," he added.

"Section 97 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 states that they 'may revoke or modify the permission to such extent as they consider expedient'.

"This gives Haringey all the scope they need to modify the permission so that the London Fire Brigade can tackle a fire in Shepherds Cottage if they have to."

Haringey Council and Cllr Carlin have not provided any further comment in response, but previously said: “We granted planning permission, following assurance from the London Fire Brigade (LFB) that they were satisfied with these proposals in terms of fire safety. We cannot withdraw planning permission once this has been approved.

“Subsequently, the LFB have now raised issues about whether the development can meet building control regulations.

“We have spoken to the applicant to remind them that the development needs to meet building regulations with regards to fire safety.”

Peter Cassidy, a member of the Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee, said Cllr Carlin was "wholly incorrect" and quoted the planning act.

"What she said is wrong, so it's a bit troubling given she's the head of planning," he said. "She probably hasn't been advised."

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson told this paper the authority is not a statutory consultee at the planning stage.

"We were sent planning proposals for Townsend Yard, N6 and we were satisfied with them in so long as any recommendations met sections of Approved Document B and fire engine access," they said.

"Subsequent enquires meant we sent correspondence in November and December 2021 highlighting a number of issues.

"The Brigade is a statutory consultee at the building phase and we will respond to those proposals after they are sent.”

Sean Meadows was contacted for comment.

To sign a petition to save Shepherd's Cottage visit: https://www.change.org/p/demand-haringey-acts-now-on-fire-safety-in-townsend-yard-highgate